
How To Boost Gaming Performance Of Any Android Phone

- January 28, 2017

Hello friends! Sometimes when we play game on our android phone it hangs so to boost it's gaming performance  I have today came with a trick to boost gaming performance of android. This will help those people whose smartphones hangs on the time of playing game. Android is a most popular operating system and it's games are available in sizes of about 1 gb so every people should know this trick. Normally we play games of 50 to 70 mb but it's games are available up to 1 gb even more than 1gb size. So, let's move towards our tutorial.

Steps To Boost Gaming Performance:

1First go to setting of your android phone

2. Then scroll down and click on developer options [ If your developer option is not enabled read our this Post to enable developer options] 

3. In developer options scroll down and click on Force 4x MSAA

4.Congrats! Your gaming performance is boosted


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