Hello friends! Welcome back to my new post. In this post I will show you how to hack a facebook account very easily in 2 minutes. If you have any enemy on facebook and you want to hack his facebook account then you can use this trick. If you want to learn how to hack facebook then read this full article. I will show you how to hack facebook with phishing. Friends do you know that phishing is not a hacking. It is a method of cheating anyone. So don't taking your time let's move towards trick.
Steps to hack facebook:-
1. First go to https://anomor.com
2. Then click on sign up.
Username:- enter your username here.
Password:- enter your password here.
Confirm Password:- enter same password her.
Email:- enter your email address here
Age:- select your age.
Country:- select your country here
4. After filling all the details you will see a captcha box in left of the page.
5. Enter the word shown in the captcha.
6. After that click on sign in now.
7. After sign up log in with your username and password.
8. After logging in you will see many links click on facebook link 1.
9. Then click on the link running in
the upper part of your tab.
10. You have to copy the link running in the upper part of you tab.
For example:- https://apps.facebook.com/tipadit/h.page/?i=483714
11. After copying the code send this code to your friend,when your friend will click on this link and login with his facebook id his facebook id information will se sent to you.
12. To see your friend facebook username and password log in with your account and click on My Victimes.
13. Then you will be able to see his username and password.
14. Congratulations! You have successfully hacked your friend's facebook id.
Final Words:
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